Kuidas ma tean, mis vastab tõele? Kas kristlus on usaldusväärne? Kas on üldse vajalik valida välja üks kõigi erinevate maailmavaadete ja religioonide hulgast?
Nendele küsimustele otsime vastuseid koos külaliskõneleja Luke Cawleyga. Jutu kõrvale pakkume kohvi-teed ning magusat ja soolast! Tule küsima, kuulama ja arutama!
Kolmapäeval 26.04 kell 19 @Pastoraat (Riia 22a, Tartu)
EN: How do I know what is true? Is Christianity trustworthy? How can I choose while there are so many religions and worldviews out there? Is it even necessary to choose one?
To these and other questions we will try to find answers together with the guest speaker, Luke Cawley. Coffee and tea will be served, and sweet and salty snacks are waiting as well. Come to ask, to listen and to discuss!
The event is part of the Tartu Student Days: Spring 2023 festival. For more information go to