Kuu: oktoober 2023

EEÜÜ kutsub külla Laura Vilbiksi, kes avab, kuidas kristlasena looduhoiust mõelda ja miks on Jumala loodu hoidmisele oluline mõelda.
Laura leiab, et nii keskkonnavaldkond kui ka kristlus saaks üksteisele palju pakkuda. Mida täpsemalt, seda saab kohapeal arutleda.
EN: EEÜÜ invites to a discussion evening with guest Laura Vilbiks, who shares how to think about conservation of nature as a Christian and why it is important to think about conservation of God’s creation.
Laura believes that both the environmental field and Christianity could offer each other a lot.
What it means more precisely can be heard on the spot.
You are very welcome!
What is EEÜÜ?
Estonian Fellowship of Evangelical Students unites students and alumni belonging to different Christian churches and is open to all students.