Rubriik: EEÜÜ Page 2 of 6
Tere tulemast veebruarikuu õhtutele!
Erinevatesse kirikutesse kuuluvaid tudengeid liitev ühendus EEÜÜ kutsub ka veebruarikuus nii Tartusse kui Tallinnasse kokku, et ühiselt kasvada ja õppida rohkem armastama Jumalat ja ligimest.
TalTech´is palvekad samadel aegadel nagu eelmisel semestril: esmaspäeviti 18.30 raamatukogus LIB-417.
Arutelu- ja teemaõhtutega jätkame kolmapäeviti kl 19.00 Pastoraadis (Riia 22a)
UUS! Rõõmuga teatame, et Kirsi Vimpari alustab järgmisel nädalal Tartus ka inglise keelse piibligrupiga 2x kuus. Seda infot saab huvilistele siis jagada.
Welcome to a new chapter!
We’re launching something special for the spring term:
- An international Bible study, where we read a passage and discuss.
- Meant for students who would like to read the Bible together, in an English speaking group. All nationalities welcome!
- Free of charge, bring a friendly attitude and willingness to listen others. And a Bible, if you have one!
- No “level requirements”, you’re welcome to join whether you just became interested in christian matters or you’ve been a christian all your life.
- Reading the Bible together is not a new invention, and since it’s proven to be a fruitful and blessed way to seek and find, we’re taking the opportunity to take time for that during this spring semester.
More information: kirsi.vimpari(at)
EEÜÜ kutsub külla Laura Vilbiksi, kes avab, kuidas kristlasena looduhoiust mõelda ja miks on Jumala loodu hoidmisele oluline mõelda.
Laura leiab, et nii keskkonnavaldkond kui ka kristlus saaks üksteisele palju pakkuda. Mida täpsemalt, seda saab kohapeal arutleda.
EN: EEÜÜ invites to a discussion evening with guest Laura Vilbiks, who shares how to think about conservation of nature as a Christian and why it is important to think about conservation of God’s creation.
Laura believes that both the environmental field and Christianity could offer each other a lot.
What it means more precisely can be heard on the spot.
You are very welcome!
What is EEÜÜ?
Estonian Fellowship of Evangelical Students unites students and alumni belonging to different Christian churches and is open to all students.
EEÜÜ tudengid kogunevad:
Tallinnas esmaspäeviti palveajaks 18.30 TalTech`i raamatukogu ruumis LIB-417. Tartus kolmapäeviti tudengiõhtuteks Pastoraadi ruumides, Riia 22a.
Oled väga oodatud!